The Town of Castle Rock, Colorado, is requesting proposals from qualified Colorado attorneys-at-law to serve as the Town’s next Municipal Judge.
The Town of Castle Rock, Colorado, is requesting proposals from qualified Colorado attorneys-at-law to serve as the Town’s next Municipal Judge.
Judges of the regional tournament frequently comment that the high school student attorneys are better litigators than some of the practicing lawyers that appear in their courtrooms!
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You can help by taking a case or by volunteering at one of our monthly clinics. We provide experienced mentors to attorneys needing extra guidance with pro bono cases. You can receive CLE credits for pro bono work. […]
May Law Day is upon us, and it is that time of year again for us to recognize and congratulate those members of DEBA who excel and are making outstanding contributions to our local legal community.
Criminal e-filing will begin in the 18th Judicial District (Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln counties) on Monday, August 22nd, 2016. Here are some commmonly asked questions […]
The Colorado Judicial Institute has opened nominations for the 2016 Judicial Excellence Awards. Please help celebrate the judges and magistrates in your district both by nominating a judge or magistrate and by spreading the word about the Judicial Excellence Awards.
The Domestic Bench in the 18th Judicial has created a “Problem Solving Bulletin” for the purpose of inspiring collaborative efforts at sharing and addressing the difficult issues domestic attorneys face. […]
the Best Practices Group for Domestic Cases is comprised of members from the bench, the mental health community (CFIs/ PREs) and attorneys in private practice. […]
Call for Presentations/Speakers: It’s already that time to plan next year’s Family Law Institute! The planning committee is seeking suggestions for presentations and/or specific speakers. […]