DAY 2 – 2016 Douglas County Regional High School Mock Trial Tournament
The CBA holds a statewide tournament each year, in February and March. The Douglas Elbert Bar Association sponsors the annual regional High School Mock Trial Tournament, with our regional winner advancing to the state tournament. All of the students around the state work with the same case problem, which may be criminal or civil in nature, and develop both sides of the case for presentation. The students work in teams, with three “attorneys” and three “witnesses” for each side of the case. They prepare their strategies and presentation of evidence for at least three months prior to the regional tournament, with impressive results. Judges of the regional tournament frequently comment that the high school student attorneys are better litigators than some of the practicing lawyers that appear in their courtrooms!
DEBA relies on the generous Judicial Officers, attorneys, and lay people who give their time over a weekend each February to act as scoring panelists, Judges, and tournament coordinators, to ensure that our local high school students have an outstanding experience with the regional tournament. All of the volunteers remark what a fun experience that it is for them, and a great way to support young people in the community, and the legal profession.
2016 Douglas Regional Volunteer Sign-up Sheet